Wednesday 18 February 2015

' slut' shaming

Hello lovely people of the internet,

Today I am going to be ranting, whilst carefully trying to construct something that vaguely makes sense about a topic that has infuriated me for years and that topic is 'slut' shaming. I have always absolutely hated the word 'slut' or any similar words relating to that, it is filled with so much negativity and hate. Which nowadays quite a lot of terms being thrown around have in common. I think the majority of the world can agree that sex can be a great thing, if done appropriately and with a hundred percent consent. It is also completely fine to have different views on sex, but it is not okay to then slut shame if you think somebody is having too much sex or having sex with too many different partners.

Not everybody views sex the same. Sex can be closely related to feelings or love, but sex can also just be an amazing feeling and if both partners are consenting to has got absolutely nothing to do with anybody else. Maybe we should all stop spreading so much hate all the time and just accept the fact that a person can do whatever they want with their body. If it isn't hurting anybody then why would you feel the need to be so negative about them?

We live in a generation which is full of the most accepting, diverse population than ever before. This is such an amazing thing and we should celebrate it! We are living in a time where it is easier than ever before to be yourself. So, lets stop calling people sluts for having the confidence to be able to go and have sex. Just because you don't understand someone's decision yourself doesn't mean their decision isn't a perfectly fine one. Just like it is fine to not want to have sex it is also fine to have sex with as many people as you want.

Let's strive towards equality in every aspect of life, including what we do with our bodies. There needs to be an end to slut shaming. People need to appreciate that calling somebody a slut doesn't make you better or above them, it just makes you extremely uneducated and hateful.

Let's just stop spreading hate in general. Stay happy guys.



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