Thursday 17 October 2013

Gig etiquette

Hello again you.

I'm going to watch arctic monkeys next Thursday * fan girls then dies * so I've decided to write a blog all about the wonderful aspects of a gig, you know the part where everyone decides to piss in a bottle and throw them around? Just kidding.  I was going to write about my truly awful time in Estonia which involved such wonderful things like me being dragged into a police van. Not even exaggerating there, I was genuinely dragged into a police van. I know what you're thinking " but you're like the most unlikely person to be dragged into a police van". But yes, that did happen. Not exactly my fault but hey ho. Anyway i'm getting of topic I will save that wondrous tale for another rainy day. This post is basically going to be some rules ( not really rules more like tips) for gigs thrown in with some more personal experiences! 

Get there on time
I was going to say arrive early to make sure you get a place but that's not always the case. You see it really all depends on the size of the place and the type of gig really. I went to watch Gaslight Anthem with my ex boyfriend in London and we planned to visit the sites in Central London and then make our way on the underground to the the gig but time keeping wasn't his strong point and I have no idea how to put this nicely haha oh dear * hides* but he lets just say he enjoyed doing stuff in public places, like really enjoyed it. * Dies of embarrassment * Anyway, because of that we ended up getting to the gig like 5 minutes before the gig was going to start and the line was ridiculously long. We couldn't even see the venue because we were that far around the corner. I've kind of back tracked from this story but basically we ended up right at the back of the gig which in hindsight was probably best but If you love the band then don't do that. It worked out fine for me because this was the kind of band that had truly dedicated hard core fans and I knew none of the lyrics. This hasn't really gone well but moral of the story DON'T TURN UP LATE UNLESS YOU'RE NOT MUCH OF A FAN :}} 

Don't piss off others trying to watch the gig 

I mention this because we all know there is that one group of idiots who are attempting to get to the front when they turned up a minute before it started or trying to start a bloody mosh pit. I was at a muse gig and about quarter way through the gig when Dizzie rascal ( I mean really they chose him to perform at a muse gig?!) and Bastille ( most boring generic band I've ever heard) had performed and every one was ready for muse to come on this woman decides she wants to be at the front now. So she begins shoving everybody out of the way muttering " excuse me coming through" to everyone in sight and everyone is just like " are you for real". Then everybody begins to throw there drinks over her. Never been more grateful that it wasn't me in my entire life. Moral of the story don't piss people off at gigs. I was also at a Johnny Marr gig with my best friend who is like the biggest Smiths fan ever and there is this group of idiots trying to start a mosh pit. Fair enough if this was a enter shikari gig make a mosh pit, throw me in there as well if you want but come trying to mosh to there is a light that never goes out is a no go. When there beer is being thrown all over everybody as well it's just annoying. So yeah try not to piss people off, I've seen so many arguments and all that jazz at gigs. 

Just don't piss in a bottle 

I completely get that gigs can be really long and when you're drinking and dancing for 3 hours it can get hard to hold in it but just go to the toilet or something. When I've been at a gig and needed a wee I've never had the thought process of " I really need a wee now, the toilets are over there but I think it would be a terrific idea to piss in this bottle right here and throw it over unsuspecting people". I mean come on just don't do it. 

This post isn't meant to be very serious so just ignore me if I've said something you don't agree with. Also, it's bloody Christmas soon yay. buh bye. xx

Sunday 22 September 2013

The joys of alcohol ( or not) ..

Hello again you!

So last night I went to a party which got me thinking a lot about alcohol in general, now I've always been the one that hasn't wanted to drink ( loser tendencies again oops!). That doesn't mean I haven't experienced the whole ' lets down all this vodka for no reason what so ever yay fun' stage in my life, because trust me I have and I can say with absolute certainty is wasn't even slightly fun. The first time I ever properly got drunk was when I was 14, It's fair to say at this age in my life I was getting every rebellious bone in my body out of my system and broadcasting it to the world. I have no idea why but in the space of that year I must have thought I was one of the cast members of skins; a spotty, naive, silly cast member at that. But any who, so I was 14 and me and two of my best friends thought it would be a great idea to create this amazing, drunk fueled day where we would embarrass ourselves wake up the next morning not remembering a thing and feel pretty damn cool. However, that's not quite how it happened. At the beginning of the day we all got money from our parents, proclaiming we had no clothes and needed to go shopping right away. What actually happened was we awkwardly stood outside a local shop asking anybody who looked like they had a relaxed enough attitude to buy us alcohol. Obviously at this age we knew barely anything about alcohol so we picked the strongest substance we could afford; vodka was our weapon of choice * ha ha*. We then drank the vodka in various amounts throughout the day; I remember being sat on a bus, not properly being able to see each other swigging vodka from a energy drink bottle and finding the experience so ridiculously funny ( it's an incredibly classy image isn't it). I was 14 and naive!! At this stage in mine and my friends life, we decided to hang around with lads from 3 school years above us. We were basically losers and I guess having older friends gave us some silly feeling of self righteousness, when really we were all socially awkward and insecure little teenagers.

Later on in the evening we met up with around 5 of the older lads and a couple of other girls from our year in school, in which we all drank copious amounts of alcohol on a field in the middle of nowhere. If I remember correctly there was a extremely drunk lad there who was hitting me with a huge stick he found all night; he also bloody rugby tackled me at one point( I have no idea what he was on). To make a long story short, our parents were ringing us all night,which we evidently ignored. They then found us in a field with mud all of other us being barely able to walk and took us home. The next couple of hours then involved me violently vomiting, crying and proclaiming that It wasn't my fault.

As I got older and realized who I was I began to realize just how stupid drinking alcohol is( well in my opinion anyway!). The only reason I drank in the first place was because, I was so insecure, I had no idea who I was and the thought of being myself was a scary thing. Especially in high school, I mean come on I may as well had been in a battle royale type scenario every day of the week. Teenagers are mean, like really mean and if you dared to be different you may as well have " taunt me" tattooed on your forehead. So basically, I only ever drank because I didn't know myself well enough to not give in to peer pressure. Which I find so ironic now as only 3 years later I feel that I never really give in to peer pressure; I don't enjoy drinking alcohol so I'm not going to do it, I feel horribly guilty eating animals so I'm a vegetarian.

Reasons why I don't want to drink alcohol( My opinions please don't kill me!!) :

- It's damaging to your body: I understand that you can drink alcohol sensibly but lets be honest if you compared what most people drink, especially teenagers to the drinking guidelines it is quite ridiculous. You're paying money to shorten your life span and make you feel shitty the next morning. Just drink a fruit shoot or something * ha ha yum*. You can still go to a party without having to drink alcohol and if you can't then you must not have a personality if you require alcohol to have a conversation or be even mildly entertaining.

-   People change when they're drunk: I don't really enjoy being around people when they're drunk as they change and not for the better either! Most parties I have been to someone has kicked off or made a rude comment and it's like " shut up jesus christ".

- Maybe I've just a really neurotic, awkward person but I don't really enjoy party situations, I've tried to I really have but all i'm thinking whilst I'm there is " I can't wait to get home". I personally enjoy more one of one situations because at parties everyone is trying to be the center of attention and I don't know I've just never really enjoyed, I would much rather be at home watching a awesome 90's film.

I should probably stop ranting now. I don't have a problem with anyone else drinking but sometimes the fact I don't like this sort of stuff annoys me. I mean I really should like these sorts of things, when I got to university I'm just going to make it harder for me to make new friends. I will be the one that doesn't drink but hey ho. I'm just curious as to why people drink so often, I do get it in a sense it's an escape but surely that can't just be it???



Thursday 19 September 2013

The rest of your life ( also my first blog ever)!!

Well hello there fellow internet bloggers! ( or random passers by who have some how stumbled upon this). So, In the mist of another one of my procrastination routines, which begins with me being extremely motivated to do important tasks such as writing my personal statement that will potentially dictate the rest of my life, I've decided to create a blog!! Now, I know what you're thinking ' who on earth is this idiot?', which to give credit where it is due, you are right about - but but but give me a chance you lovely people! Any who, I am not in any sense of the word an author or anything even remotely along those lines, i'm just a 17 year old loser sat in her bedroom sharing her thoughts with the world. Why? Well it's possibly just a phase I'm going through, like that twitter phase I went through last September in attempt to make friends in college. But, I think an even better explanation is that I have too much of these ramblings in my head and I feel like If I don't do something with them, my brain will explode. So here I am spilling my heart out ( not literally * ha ha*) to most probably nobody; I've just made this blog and well lets be honest why would anyone read this crap anyway. 

This blog is going to be about the situation I am currently going through, which is the dreaded transition from college to university * dun dun dun *. I have always been extremely excited to go to university ever since I could possibly remember. I remember being at the tender age of 11, sat there reading various books envisioning myself as this strong independent woman, learning and developing. I've always loved learning and when I was younger I didn't have much friends but I never cared because good grades were much more important than friends right? RIGHT?! I'm not nearly as bad as that now, I love my friends! Even nearly as much as books * ha* just kidding, I do love them copious amounts. 

But now the time has arrived where I am applying to university all I want to do is slow down time. It's quite ironic because all I ever wanted to do growing up was grow up faster and now I just want it to stop so I can take it all in. Of course I am excited but It is also so sudden and the pressure is slowly staring to take every little bit of my energy. The thing with me is I love learning, I really do love learning but I've very excitable so for a couple of months I will be set on the idea that I want to do one thing for the rest of my life. I will love and admire the idea of that and I will work damn hard to achieve the grades for it but then I will have a change of heart and find this new amazing thing I want to do for the rest of my life.  I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't want to choose a course to do at university, get there and completely change my mind. That definitely wouldn't be a good thing to do. There is always the option of a gap year which honestly I do love the idea of ( see look I'm at it again!) but I've researched gap year options and well to but if bluntly i'm can't bloody afford them! I wouldn't say I'm poor, I'm extremely grateful for everything my mum has given me, but we do not have a lot of disposal income and gap year opportunities such as going to Africa to volunteer cost around £2000- £3000. I just know that if I was to go down the gap year route I would end up sat in my house watching Pokemon and eating snack a jacks. 

Please feel free to leave your experience and knowledge of this stuff, it would help a lot! Also, follow my blog please and I will love you forever!! :) :)