Saturday 10 May 2014

How possible is it to maintain relationships?

I currently feel as though I'm about to transaction into the next stage of my life and It has got me thinking a lot about relationships in general. It seems as though whenever we take a big step into something new a lot of things change in our life, one of them being the relationships we have. We have all been that person declaring that you're going to stay closer than ever to your best friend for the rest of your life, despite going to completely different colleges or something similar involving a lot of smushy ideals. But just how probable is this?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not completely filled with cynicism, I would love to stay close to everyone I have in my life at this moment because they're absolutely perfect for the person I am now. Unfortunately, that isn't how it has ever worked out. I didn't stay close or even ever speak to anyone I was close to in primary school - I tried to, I really did but I grew older, learned more stuff and met other people that I felt were just like me. When I left high school, the same thing happened, I've stayed  friends with certain people but even them friendships took the hit quite quickly. We tried our best to hang out regularly but I guess we both went on and had much different lifes. I'm sure that a lot of people stay close throughout the years, but people change and that's just a natural part of life and it becomes much harder to keep relationships with the people you thought you  would spend most of your life with.

On paper, it's quite a sad sentiment but I don't really look at it that way. The people that are no longer in my life have made me the person I am today. Whether, bad breakups or sentimental goodbyes the experiences I shared, the knowledge I gained just made me know myself much better. As we grow up, we're constantly changing, every day we're realizing the person that we are. It's not sad that them people are no longer there because they were a fundamental part of your life and now a part of who you are.

I'm going off to university soon and I'm going to be living in a completely different place surrounded by completely different people and at the moment that really does scare the hell out of me. I adore the people in my life right now and I couldn't imagine them not being there. The decisions that I will make will make me the person I am and will depict the life that I lead( as cheesy as that is!!). I can't imagine not having my boyfriend around. He makes me life so much better that I really can't imagine what not having him around will be like. I don't think none of us really know what's going to happen. I'm not a naïve person and I know that it will probably result in us splitting up because the eventuality of us staying together, however sad a prospect that is, isn't very likely. But I guess it gives me comfort knowing that, a year ago I wasn't the person I am today and I feel like I'm a stronger, more caring person now and a lot of that happened through change that I didn't necessarily want to happen.

But anyway,

that's enough silly rants for now. Thanks for reading, if you did manage to get through that junk!!
