Wednesday 19 November 2014

3 reasons to smile!

Hello you lovely people,

So, quite a lot has changed since I last wrote on this blog. I'm now at university, yay! University is pretty much how you would envision it - 17p noodles, staying up until 4 am to complete assignments and drinking a lot of cheap alcohol that is doing god knows what to your body. It's great though and despite now having exactly 20 pound to last me until January I've met some of the loveliest of people and already couldn't imagine being anywhere else.

Recently I've been feeling quite low for numerous reasons, number one being my emotions are still quite rubbish and happiness is often quite difficult to achieve. However, instead of sitting around listening to smiths albums feeling sorry for myself, I've decided to write a post depicting 3 reasons to be happy! If anybody else is feeling sad hopefully this poorly constructed list of silly reasons to smile can cheer you up a bit.

Number 1 -

Christmas is only 35 days away!!!

35 days away you say?

Cheesy Christmas carols ( alliteration mad hey - my A level English teacher would be beaming), overly large boxes of chocolate, ridiculously charming decorations that may possibly even sing at you, I mean what more could you possibly want?!

Even if you're now a student and currently poor who cares when you can go home and get free, actually edible food.
I mean, it's nearly impossible not to smile at Christmas - it's so cheesy and adorable that just the thought of it makes me squeal. Yay! Also, January sales. Enough said.

Number 2 -

There is somebody out there that thinks you're awesome. Because, I mean how can they not? You are pretty awesome, you bloody lovely one you. Yes, I'm talking to you.

Seriously though, even if you don't think it at times and may think you're alone, you're just not looking close enough. You're loved.                 :)))))

Number 3 -

Turtles can breath out of there butts. Now, I don't know about you but that's the most adorable thing I've ever heard. Turtles are adorable anyway but butt breathing, that brightens my day.

I don't really know the purpose of this post, a stream of self-consciousness is usually all that comes out of my mouth rather than carefully constructed sentences. But hey ho, I hope you're happy wherever you are and if not turtle butt breathing ( how can that possibly not make you smile).

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